Wednesday 7 December 2016

Spiced parsnip and apple soup

It's important to be cosy. It's especially important when the sun appears to be hiding the majority of the day. To be cosy, safe in the knowledge that you can go outside but it's far better to view it all from the safety of home.

When this time of the year dawns upon us all I wish to do is make meals which suit this cosy feeling. Meals consisting of warm and rich flavours that are the antithesis of the vibrancy that spring and summer more oft bring to the plate. This is especially true of the soups I am inclined to make. Out are the carrot and corianders and minted peas and in come the chunky minestrone and this take on some classic combinations in my spiced parsnip and apple soup.

Key to this soup is the core of flavours at its heart and as a medley of flavours ginger, celery and apple are a great combination. Not one that you would always look to make use of day to day I know but I can assure that, in measured addition, you can really create something excellent. By throwing into the mix some parsnip and spices this soup packs some delicate spice and a depth of heat that absolutely suits December cooking.

Serve with the best bread you can make or purchase and be sure to scoop and soak up as much as you can. If you can make or find bread made with fennel seeds added it wonderfully compliments this soup and adds that extra depth of spice that makes this soup so special in the first place.


100g celery, chopped finely (keep some for dressing)
1/2 half white onion, chopped finely
2 medium apples, chopped roughly (something like a Braeburn, the less fizz the better)
400g parsnips, chopped roughly
20g fresh ginger, chopped finely (around 20g)
2 whole sprigs of rosemary
2 sprigs of thyme
1/4tsp white pepper
1/4tsp mace
1/4tsp dried ginger
800ml vegetable stock
Handful of chopped parsley and paprika to serve


Add your celery and onion and sweat on a low to medium heat for around five minutes until they both start to soften at which point add your herbs and continue to cook for a further five minutes on the same heat, seasoning generously with salt and cracked black pepper.

Once the herbs have softened with the onions and celery add your ginger, parsnip and apples and sweat down on a low heat, with a lid atop your pot, for at least 15 minutes, to allow your parsnips and apples to soften completely.

With all your main ingredients now softened you can add your stock and spices allowing you to simmer everything for a further 15 minutes to ensure everything is soft enough to blend and that all the spices have integrated sweetly into the mix.

You needn't add a thing further to give any creamy consistency to this soup as the parsnips will do the work for you. Blend thoroughly and stir in your parsley, leaving a little aside to serve.

Serve up with a sprinkle of parsley, celery and a dash of paprika.

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